The New Age Of Writing


The idea of new media writing is very relevant now as we are in this new digital age. The idea of just printing something in a magazine or in a newspaper is dead. Newsday has a website that, my bets, has more viewers than those who actually pick up the paper. Why carry around a big paper with so many pages, and it smells too. This is not convenient at all. The convenient thing is to get the app for your phone or tablet. Now there is the best idea. The article “ Authorship Manifesto in the Age of the New Media,” by Bettina Lemm talks about this whole new concept of new media writing.

The age of new media writing does not have to be relevant in the print world. Writing on the internet gives the author and their audience a whole new feel. Bettina Lemm states that, “The proximity of audience and author would not be possible if we did not have access to social media networks.” The use of social media can get the word out there faster than ever. With just a simple click away, the author can build up a world where they can write about whatever they want and use as much or as little media as they choose. They can post it for the world to see too. That’s what I call exposure.

The new media world is so on demand that you can write about something as it is happening and post it before it’s even over. On Twitter, I see at least five magazines at once post something about the same exact thing. The competition is endless. There is no way not to keep up. Staying connected with your audience as much as possible is so important.

Happy birthday, the new digital age is here to stay. There is no denying it can only go up from here. The only thing is, people have to decide on their own how important print is to them. There are still some things that we all may prefer in text, but wake up and look at the big picture because it’s coming to us in more ways than you know. So just like we get older every year on our birthdays, us as writers need to grow with our audience. Stay relevant, stay focused, stay on time.

Happy Birthday, your wish came true. So grab your smart phones and tablets. It’s time to hop on the band wagon if you didn’t already. Just like in Disney movies, this is a happy ending…


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